How To Stay Calm During A Divorce Mediation

How To Stay Calm During A Divorce Mediation

How To Stay Calm During A Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is a crucial step in the separation process that allows couples to negotiate the terms of their divorce in a less adversarial setting than a courtroom. However, it can still be emotionally challenging....
Can I Travel During The Divorce Process?

Can I Travel During The Divorce Process?

Can I Travel During The Divorce Process? Divorce is a tumultuous period in anyone’s life, often prompting a desire for change or respite through travel. However, if you’re contemplating travel during your divorce proceedings—especially if children are...
What To Wear To Divorce Mediation

What To Wear To Divorce Mediation

What To Wear To Divorce Mediation As you prepare for divorce mediation, it’s essential to consider every aspect of your appearance, as it can communicate a message about your demeanor, professionalism, and commitment to the process. At Wobber Law Group, we...