Divorce Mediation Checklist in Maryland

When facing a divorce, one of the most critical aspects of preparation is gathering the necessary documentation. Whether you’re considering divorce mediation in Maryland or pursuing a more traditional divorce process, having the right documents is crucial. At Wobber Law Group, we understand that this can be an overwhelming task. To help ease your concerns, we’ve put together the ultimate divorce mediation checklist for Maryland residents.
What Documents Should You Bring to Your Initial Divorce Consultation?
An initial consultation with a divorce lawyer can be nerve-wracking for many individuals. It’s common for clients to arrive with folders filled with documents, unsure of what they will need to prove their case. However, there’s no need to panic. The initial consultation is an introductory meeting, not a job interview. While having some documents with you can make the process smoother, there will be ample time to work with your family law team to gather what you need as your case progresses.
Here are some documents that can be helpful during your initial consultation:
- Prenuptial Agreements, Post-nuptial Agreements, or Settlement Agreements: If you and your spouse signed any of these agreements, it’s a good idea to bring them, even to the first meeting. They can help your attorney understand the contracts that govern your family’s relationship.
- Court Paperwork: If you’ve been served with any court paperwork, such as divorce filings initiated by your spouse, make sure to bring those documents along.
During or after the initial consultation, you’ll likely receive several essential divorce documents, including a Retainer Agreement and Information or Intake forms, which provide your lawyer with basic information about you, your children, and your case.
Documents to Gather Before Moving Out
It’s often easier to gather important paperwork while you and your spouse are still living under the same roof. While it’s not a race or a scavenger hunt, having certain documents can prove beneficial. When one spouse is preparing to move out, both parties should consider having copies of the following:
- Tax Returns for the Last 5 Years: These are crucial for assessing financial history.
- Deeds to the Marital Home or Other Real Estate: Property ownership documentation is vital.
- Vehicle Titles: Ensure you have the necessary paperwork for any vehicles owned.
- Mortgage Agreements and Loan Applications: Documents related to your home and any loans.
- Business Ownership Records: If applicable, have records related to any businesses owned.
- Insurance Policies: Include home, auto, life, and health insurance documents.
- Wills and Estate Plans: Ensure you have your will and any estate planning documents.
- Prenuptial Agreements and Separation Agreements: Keep copies for reference.
- Lists of Bank, Credit, and Other Account Numbers and Institutions: Financial account information.
If you and your spouse are on amicable terms, consider sharing more documents to streamline the divorce process. However, in cases of high conflict, it’s wise to ensure you have possession of important documents before either of you moves out. These might include sentimental or significant documents like children’s artwork, family photographs, medical records, calendars, and evidence of domestic violence or abuse.
Additionally, taking photos of each room can help during the division of personal belongings, ensuring that you don’t forget important items.
Maryland Divorce Documents Checklist
When it’s time to file your divorce case, your attorney will help you prepare several introductory documents to submit to the court. These may include:
- Complaint for Absolute Divorce: The formal document initiating the divorce proceedings.
- Civil Domestic Information Report: Provides essential information about the parties involved.
- Financial Statements: Documents detailing your financial situation.
- Joint Statement of the Parties Concerning Marital and Non-Marital Property: Information about marital and non-marital property.
- Maryland Parenting Plan Tool: If children are involved, a parenting plan outlining custody arrangements.
- Settlement Agreement: If applicable, an agreement outlining the terms of the divorce.
- Fee Waiver Forms: Forms to request a waiver of certain fees, if eligible.
- Notice Regarding Restricted Information: Some counties require this form.
If your spouse initiates the divorce, your attorney will prepare an Answer and a Counter-Complaint for Absolute Divorce instead of a Complaint. Depending on your circumstances, your attorney may also need to file motions to address issues like temporary custody, spousal support, access to your home, or the protection of your interests in family property or financial accounts.
As your divorce progresses, there will be additional documents filed with the court, such as the Judgment of Absolute Divorce, Parenting Plan, Child Support Order, and Qualified Domestic Relations Order(s).
Divorce Documentation Checklist
A divorce trial often involves numerous documents related to different aspects of your divorce. To present your case effectively, it’s essential to gather these documents early. Categories of documents you may need include:
Child Custody:
- Photos of your children.
- Photos of children’s living spaces.
- Report cards and progress reports.
- Attendance logs.
- IEPs or 504 plans for children receiving special education.
- Disciplinary notes.
- Medical records.
- Therapy session notes.
- Information about children’s diagnoses.
- Doctors’ recommendations for future or refused treatment.
- Prescription information.
- Vaccination histories.
- Extracurricular activity schedules.
- Children’s journals or letters indicating their parenting time preferences.
- Photos of any bruising or injury caused by child abuse or neglect by the other parent.
Child Support and Spousal Support:
- Pay stubs (last 3).
- W-2s or 1099s for the last tax year.
- Tax returns (last 3 years).
- Veterans’ Benefits award letters.
- Social Security payment notices.
- Proof of government aid.
- Trust distribution confirmations.
- Bank account statements showing self-employment deposits.
- Invoices for private school tuition.
- Payment history for child care.
- Health insurance payment information.
- Resumes (if either party is out of work or earning less than they could).
Property Division:
- Marital home and real property appraisals.
- Personal property lists or photos.
- Vehicle fair market values.
- Bank statements.
- Investment and stock portfolios.
- Stock options available through employment.
- Cryptocurrency or digital wallet accounts.
- Pension statements.
- 401(k), IRA, and Roth IRA retirement account statements.
- Trust documentation.
Getting Divorce Documents You Don’t Have Access To Through Discovery
In some cases, you may not have access to all the necessary documents, especially if there is a lack of cooperation from your spouse. This is where the legal process of discovery comes into play. Discovery involves exchanging information and requesting the production of documents related to your case.
Why Call Wobber Law Group For A Divorce Lawyer In Maryland
a divorce mediator in Maryland plays a crucial role in helping couples navigate the complexities of divorce. If you’re considering divorce and believe that mediation might be the right choice for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to Wobber Law Group in Towson, MD. Our experienced team can guide you through the mediation process, ensuring a smoother and more amicable transition.
Contact us today to learn more about how mediation can benefit your situation and take the first step toward a peaceful resolution of your divorce matters.