
Proving co-parenting skills matters in Maryland custody cases

Proving co-parenting skills matters in Maryland custody cases

When it comes to child custody cases in Maryland, the court's ultimate goal is to make decisions that are in the best interest of the child. One key factor that judges consider in making these decisions is the ability of each parent to co-parent effectively....

Reasons To Modify Your Child Support Agreement in Maryland

Reasons To Modify Your Child Support Agreement in Maryland

Child support is a critical component of a divorce settlement, providing financial support for the children of the marriage. However, as time passes, the financial circumstances of both parents can change, necessitating a modification of the original child support...

What is better divorce or divorce mediation?

What is better divorce or divorce mediation?

The decision of whether to go through a traditional divorce or divorce mediation will depend on your individual circumstances. Divorce mediation is a process where a neutral third party, called a mediator, facilitates communication and negotiation between the parties...

How to Tell Your Husband You Want a Divorce

How to Tell Your Husband You Want a Divorce

If you're contemplating ending your marriage, it's important to approach the conversation with your spouse in a thoughtful and respectful manner. This can be a difficult and emotional topic to broach, but it's important to communicate your feelings honestly and...

Understanding the Difference Between Legal and Physical Custody

Understanding the Difference Between Legal and Physical Custody

When you’re in the midst of divorce proceedings as a parent, managing custody arrangements with the ex-partner is probably going to be one of your primary concerns. In general, custody arrangements can be divided into two types: legal and physical.  In this article,...

What is contempt of court in family law?

What is contempt of court in family law?

We've all seen dramatic scenes in movies or television shows where a judge yells, "You're in contempt!" and a participant in a court proceeding is escorted out of the courtroom, presumably to a jail cell to contemplate their transgressions. But, particularly in the...

Not married to your child’s other parent? What are your rights?

Not married to your child’s other parent? What are your rights?

If you are the parent of a child in Maryland and you are seeking child support or custody but were never married to the child's other parent, the law provides you with certain rights and privileges regarding your future relationship with your child.Not married to your...

At what age can a child refuse visitation in Maryland?

At what age can a child refuse visitation in Maryland?

Child custody is one of the most difficult issues to resolve during a divorce. Parents frequently disagree on what is best for their child, making this a highly contentious issue. At Wobber Law Group, a family law firm in Towson, MD, a question we get asked often is:...

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